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Chapter 25: The result of becoming a chess piece

"Miss got up so early today." Riko stood to the side and watched Xiao Qing Ran wash her face and rinse her mouth. She said with a smile, "Last night, Miss slept so late. I thought you were going to be bedridden today."

Xiao Qing then threw the towel back into the basin, feeling spirited. "You little girl, you're getting bolder and bolder, and you still dare to tease me? When did I ever stay in bed? "

"You are still not admitting to it? You don't like to be cooped up in bed the most. You have to wake up late in the morning every day. " Li'er reached out her hands to collect the water.

On the other side, Xiao Qing Ran sat down to eat breakfast.

After swiftly cleaning up, Riko returned to the dining table to report on today's news. "Miss, a letter came from the Flower Pavilion early in the morning saying that someone had secretly come to investigate your identity not long after you left last night."

"It should be Su Qianhan." It was as if she had guessed it a long time ago: "Although that man has a violent temper, he will not do anything rash, so you don't have to worry about him. Just tell Hua Mu and the others to be careful, and also tell them that I will not go over there any time soon."

"Yes, I will tell the lady about it if Liu Suifeng has any news." Riko poured some tea and pushed it to her side before continuing, "There's also the crown prince's side. The people we sent out seemed to have been discovered. They also seemed to be under Duke Han's command."

"Since he has his own wariness, there is no need to waste our manpower. Let them withdraw, and be careful not to be followed."

"Don't worry, miss. Our hands and feet are all neat and tidy, but last night's matter …" Riko frowned and asked, "Miss, what do you plan to do?"

Although the Duke of Han didn't say it out loud last night, now that he thought about it, wasn't it those two who had such a deep grudge with his mistress that wanted to kill someone? He just didn't know who was the mastermind.

However, it was the same. No matter which one of them was the mastermind, they would still not be able to escape from this mother and daughter pair.

"I can't do anything." Xiao Qing's appetite was small. She liked sour dishes to a certain level. Even the requirement for dishes basically required some vinegar or lemon juice to make the seasoning.

However, Riko was afraid that it would be bad if she ate too much. Therefore, she was definitely forbidden from eating dishes this morning. A bowl of porridge was a simple matter.

Xiao Qingran had protested to her many times but had always been rejected. This girl was the only one who could see her determination in this regard.

"Miss doesn't plan to send people to deal with it?" Riko was somewhat astonished. "You intend to let them off so easily?"

If it was before, it would be normal if the Miss didn't care. She was always afraid of trouble, but now those two had already bought the ferocious one, and this was something else entirely.

Xiao Qingran put down the chopsticks in her hands. No matter how she chewed, she felt that there was no taste in her mouth. "Do you think that just because I let them go, they would be fine?"

Although Li Jing was the general's wife, she only had one daughter, and her only hope was that she would be able to live in the General's Estate for the rest of her life.

"Indeed ~" Riko nodded. "When I first arrived, I heard that the Zhao Family has already sent someone over. They seem to be discussing the matter of the two families' wedding gifts. I presume that the main hall is in an uproar right now."

"Hmph, let them cause a ruckus. Let's take a breather." Xiao Qing suddenly stretched her hand to the table and wiped her mouth with the handkerchief.

"You're right. I'm guessing that the Xiao and Zhao Families will be doing good business in the near future. When that happens, we just need to wait and see." Riko looked at the remaining half bowl of porridge and frowned. "Miss, are you not eating again?"

Miss' appetite is too small, she should think of a way to improve her appetite.

Xiao Qingran curled her lips and said somewhat helplessly: "It's just a bowl of white porridge, how can I eat it? "Li Er, I want to eat sour pomegranate."

Riko frowned and rejected decisively. "No, I can't. Do you still remember what the doctor said the last time your stomach hurt?"

"It's fine, it's just that I occasionally eat a little, so I don't have to be that concerned." Xiao Qing suddenly waved her hands and said with a nonchalant attitude, "How about I eat less?"

"No way!"

"Heh, little girl, am I a young lady or are you a young lady?"

"You are."

"Then I want sour pomegranate!"

"No way!"

Xiao Qing Ran: "[email protected] # $@ …"

Xiao Qingran's desire to eat sour food did not succeed, but the good show she wanted to watch soon came on.

Even though it wasn't very lively.

Logically speaking, even if the marriage ceremony between a Minister and a Minister wasn't grand enough, at least it would still be lively and passionate. However, when Xiao Xiyu married someone, it was very bleak.

Xiao Qingyi also didn't expect Xiao Zhi to be so desperate. Not only was the time for their marriage so tight, but it was also when Xiao Xi Yu's body wasn't completely fine.

He directly got someone to carry Xiao Xi Yu to the Zhao manor. The two families didn't even have the chance to show their face, and even when a large family wanted to marry a concubine, it was more important than this.

"Miss, you said that she did that in front of the Crown Prince. The Zhao Family is a famous family and a distant relative of the empress, why would they still agree to this marriage?" Riko peeled the tangerine peel in her hand, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Xiao Qing shook the orange petal in her hand and sighed to herself.

This morning, after she had asked for help from this little girl, she had insisted that she was addicted to eating sour food, so she wanted to slowly correct her own problem. In the end, she had even changed to lemon every day.

"Miss?" Rio'er curiously stretched out her hand and waved it in front of the dazed master of her house.

Xiao Qing Ran sighed again as she opened her mouth and stuffed a piece of orange into it. "Zhao Chen is already dead and has no chance of being treated. Which family's young and pretty girl can marry him? Just as you said, the Zhao Family is a Prominent Class. Could it be that you really can find a commoner's daughter to be your principal wife? "

"Although Xiao Xiyu's innocence has been destroyed, her first time was given to Zhao Chen. Furthermore, the two clans already had a marriage alliance before this. Compared to others, she can be considered the best candidate." Xiao Qing reclined on the hammock, swinging her legs underneath her. "Furthermore, that old fellow Zhao Jin was clearly hiding something else."

"Something else?" Riko stared with widened eyes at the gossip, "What kind of thoughts?"

"Child, even though Zhao Chen isn't an only child, he has doted on his son for many years. He didn't want his son to lose everything, so he held on to that last bit of hope. He felt that perhaps Xiao Xi Yu might be pregnant because of that one time."

However, it was not certain whose child it was, but it didn't matter. After all, there was no modern paternity test here, so they could say whatever they wanted when the time came.

"So that's the case …" Li Er rubbed her chin as she half squatted by the side and nodded. "In the afternoon, I saw that the person carrying the palanquin had already secretly brought it back. Even though it was clearly a big wedding, he acted like a thief.

She paused, then gritted her teeth and said with some hatred, "But she deserved it. Who told her to harm Miss?"

He had heard from the little miss that if the little miss hadn't realized that she had actually drunk that cup of tea, she would have suffered an even worse fate. After all, compared to that little miss, the little miss was unfavoured in the mansion.

"However, I heard that at that time, Xiao Xi Yu was unwilling to die. After that, those people who had dressed her up had no choice but to drug her until she fainted. Only then did they hastily pack up and throw the palanquin."

"There's such a thing?" Xiao Qinglan narrowed her eyes: "Then it seems that the Zhao residence is in an uproar right now."

With that woman's temper, she would definitely not submit obediently. She had to go through a lot of tormenting.

As the master and servant were talking, the sound of a woman's scream and struggle came from outside.

Xiao Qing suddenly frowned and sat up from the hammock.

A woman with disheveled hair and a bright red dress came running in through the door.

Xiao Qing was startled. She waited until the woman ran in and saw that it was Xiao Xi Yu.

However, her current attire definitely did not resemble that of a wedding party. Her red clothes were not a wedding dress but a simple red dress, and there was not a single hairpin on her head. Her hair was disheveled, falling on her chest or shoulders, and her face was bruised and bruised.

From the looks of it, she must have come here on foot after waking up from the Zhao Family's wedding room. Because her feet weren't even wearing shoes, and the soles of her feet were worn out, and some parts of her feet were even leaking blood.

"Miss!" Seeing the girl's furious look, Riko subconsciously stretched out her arms in front of Xiao Qing Ran to protect her.

Xiao Qing pursed her lips, waved her hand and sat on the hammock.

Riko wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, she could not refuse her master and retreated to the side.

Servants who had been chasing Xiao Xiyu all the way ran in from outside the courtyard and began to pull on her.

From start to finish, Xiao Qing Ran wore an indifferent expression. Her state of mind was not affected in the slightest as she watched the scolding girl fall to the ground in front of her, then she was miserably dragged aside by the servant who was grabbing her ankle.

"Xiao Qing Ran, you slut! It's all because of you! I will kill you! I will kill you!"

"Heh ~" Xiao Qingyi sneered but did not say a word.

How could he not know that she wanted to kill him? This was not the first time they had done such a thing. Otherwise, did they think that he would teach Riko martial arts for no reason?

In fact, Su Qianhan's words last night were right. Even if he hadn't come, he would have been fine. He had gone through countless assassinations like this, just that last night's lineup was slightly bigger than usual.

Xiao Qingyi's laughter, in Xiao Xiyu's eyes, was ridicule and contempt. This made her already resentful mood even worse, and her desire to tear her enemies apart even more darkened.

"Slut, you bitch. Xiao Qingran, I hate you. Even if I have to enter the underworld, I will skin you alive and drink your blood!" Xiao Xi Yu was being pulled from behind by someone, but she was still feeling uneasy. She kept using her hands to crawl forward, and her fingernails were covered in blood mixed with mud and sand.