Chapter 10: Xing Jun

At that time, she was called over by the teacher to participate in the school competition with Wu Haofei. Since then, they gradually got to know each other.

Huang Qianqian had kept asking him out with Wu Haofei during that time, giving them a chance to be alone together.

Now that he thought about it, he suddenly realized that he really did look like a fool. Being friends with Huang Qianqian was her right and left hand.

She would ask him for help whenever she could. As long as she could do it, he was sure that she would help Huang Qianqian.

When he thought about how he had once been a fool, he felt that she had treated Huang Qianqian so well. Yet she did such a thing to herself. Just thinking about it made her feel a wave of disgust.

When I got back to the company, I was busy until I got off work when the phone rang. She picked it up and pressed the answer button.

"Why did you suddenly call me? "You're back?" Hsing Rushi put down the pen in her hand. Her worry that she had been wearing for the whole day gradually disappeared.

"Where do you think I am now?" A magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone, but it made Hsing Rushi feel at ease.

She rubbed her eyes and said, "How do I know where you are? If you come back, then go back to see your parents." They miss you so much, they don't even know how to call home for so long. "

When he thought about how his younger brother had been on vacation for more than a year, he didn't call home often.

Every time she came home, she would hear her parents nagging at her.

"You don't need to say that. I respect my mother more than you do." "Oh yeah, let me ask you, did Xiang Jianping do something to let you down?" Hsing Jun's originally lazy voice had turned serious.

Hsing Rushi was slightly taken aback. "You've already gone home?"

"Don't worry about it for now, Mom never tells me. I already told you that brat was unreliable, why didn't you listen? "

Hsing Jun had always hated Xiang Jianping and had expected that Xiang Jianping was not a good person.

He had come back from abroad to attend his sister's wedding, but it had been cancelled.

If his parents didn't tell him, he would probably have guessed the reason. Thinking about Xiang Jianping, he felt a burst of anger in his heart.

Hsing Rushi also understood her brother. She pursed her lips and said, "The matter is already passed. I don't want to bring it up again." If you still want me to have a good time, don't look for him. "

"It seems like my guess is correct?" Was it really that brat who let you down? " Hsing Jun was still unwilling to let this question go and continued to interrogate him.

Hsing Rushi was a bit annoyed. The company had already gotten off work. Her colleagues also left one after another, and her voice was also raised by quite a bit.

"I say, you stinking brat, you're obviously only a year younger than me." Why do you always pretend to be older than me and still talk to me like that? I will take care of my own matters, so you don't need to worry about it. "

Jiang Feiyan, who was packing her things, immediately ran to Hsing Rushi when she heard the two words "Hsing Jun". "Is it your brother?"

"What's wrong?" She moved her phone away and was a little taken aback by Jiang Feiyan's question.

Before Jiang Feiyan could reply, she felt a sharp pain in her head. It was as if someone had knocked on her head. She turned around and her eyes widened.

"Why are you here?" Hsing Rushi looked at Hsing Jun in shock. Even her parents didn't know where she went to work and how he found her here.

Hsing Jun rolled his eyes at her in annoyance and said, "Is there something I don't know?"

Hsing Rushi scratched her head and punched Hsing Jun in the chest. "You're a shameless person. How are you going to be this little brother of yours?"

"Isn't it just a year younger than you? "How much did you make yourself look like?" Hsing Jun said in disbelief.

Hsing Rushi also did not want to continue arguing with him. After all, she and Hsing Jun had fought since they were young.

"Is it time to leave work? Go eat, I'm so hungry. " Hsing Jun looked around and noticed that there were only a few people left in the company.

Hsing Rushi shook her head. "You should go home first. I have to work overtime tonight …"

"Rushi, it's alright. We'll go eat lunch together and come back later to work overtime. " Jiang Feiyan suddenly said.

Hearing Jiang Feiyan's voice, she realized that Jiang Feiyan hadn't left yet. Turning around to look at her, she noticed that she was blushing slightly.

He hesitated for a moment and suddenly seemed to have thought of something and understood what was going on.

She smiled faintly and said, "Then let's go eat first, senior sister. Let's go together."

"Sure, I was just on my own." When Jiang Feiyan heard that Hsing Rushi wanted her to go with her, her smile became even more radiant.

Hearing Jiang Feiyan's voice, Hsing Jun turned around to look at her and quickly recognized her.

"You're here too?" Hsing Jun asked in surprise.

"Right." Jiang Feiyan nodded slightly.

"Let's go, I've packed up." She picked up her bag and said to the two of them.

The three of them entered the elevator at the same time. Hsing Rushi asked, "When did you return?"