Chapter 2: Withdrawal of Marriage

Some people will eventually become your memory of the injury, if carefully recalled, will be a fierce pain.

She gave up such a good future for Xiang Jianping and was willing to be a full-time fiancée for him. And now, he had actually suffered such a betrayal.

The water in the bathtub went from hot to warm to warm, her body barely felt anything. Apart from his heart, he had been clenching it tightly.

The faint fragrance of roses in the air eased her heavy mood slightly.

After a long while, she finally understood. There were so many good men in the world. No matter what, she couldn't want a man who had betrayed her.

Men, once disloyal, never to be used.

She was very glad that she got to know Xiang Jianping as a scum earlier. She also knew that the phone call was not accidentally dialed out, but it was Huang Qianqian's scheme.

After knowing Huang Qianqian for such a long time, she knew her very well. Other than acting coquettishly in front of men and playing with them, he also knew how to scheme.

She was originally a woman who refused to be outdone. Why would she fight with such a woman for a man?

Even in the face of the pressure from her parents and Xiang Jianping's parents, she would choose to end the engagement with Jianhua.

After deciding everything, she put on her clothes and left the hotel.

The sunlight was warm and comfortable, but it made her feel incomparably dazzling.

It was as if he had not seen sunlight for a long time. When the sunlight shone on him, he actually felt like he was dying.

She bought her cell phone and stood for a long time at the sunlit intersection. In the end, he decided to find a hotel first.

After buying the phone, she kept her phone switched off. She wanted to see if Xiang Jianping would look for her all over the world in a hurry.

The ambiguous conversation between him and Huang Qianqian had been lingering in his mind and couldn't be wiped away no matter how hard he tried.

Every word was like a needle, piercing her heart.

She stayed in the hotel for a week and stayed in her room.

The room's auntie would come over every day to ask if she could clean the room, but she was always rejected.

Today, as usual, I asked if I could clean the room, but no one answered.

The aunt who cleaned the room thought that something had happened to the person who stayed there after not coming out for a week.

As a result, when he swiped his room card to call the waiter in, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Ye Zichen saw her sleeping on the bed, while she laid on the bed in a '48-8' shape that didn't look human.

The room was piled with paper towels and trash, scaring the security guards and the hotel aunties.

He was like a mad man in disarray, making the hotel room look like a beggar's place, which was simply terrible.

When she left the bridal chamber, she took her cell phone card with her.

She knew Xiang Jianping. She had disappeared for a week. He would go around looking for him and explain to her that he was drunk.

Eight years, she really knew him too well. However, he never would have thought that he was the same as those men. In the end, he would still betray them.

After being in a daze for so long, she still turned on the computer.

After she opened her phone, she thought Xiang Jianping would look for her all over the world. Apologize, regret, fear.

However, she didn't expect that other than Xiang Jianping, who hadn't seen the phone call, everything else was from her parents.

There was also a message from Xiang Jianping.

This time, she was very calm and opened the text message. The text appeared on her cell phone's screen, but she was dazzled by it.

Break up the text message!

Hehe, Xiang Jianping actually sent her a message to break up!

He, Xiang Jianping, had already changed his mind. She thought that he would regret betraying her and explain things to her.

Unexpectedly, eight years of love couldn't compare to Huang Qianqian's.

It was as if his heart was being pierced by countless thin needles, and he could not stop feeling a piercing pain.

This pain was something she had never experienced before.

That was true. Ever since she was young, she had only ever been a man like Xiang Jianping. He couldn't even try the original pain, yet he could still use this method.

She sat in a chair on the hotel balcony for about two hours, her head curled out to one side.

The wind blew past her, causing her hair on either side of her face to be in a mess. There was even some liquid mixed in her hair, making her look especially messy and beautiful.

In the distance, the sun was setting and the sun was setting. There was a sea in the middle of it, and the beautiful scenery of the coast was absolutely stunning.

Beneath the sky was a dark red color, which was faintly visible on the surface of the sea. The sea water rippled, the dark red slowly floated with the sea water.

It gave off an intangible illusion, as if the calm sea surface had been brushed with a certain color, and was extremely vivid.

However, this feeling added a trace of warmth to her originally cold heart, just like the feeling when warm water caressed her entire body.

It was at this moment that she finally organized all her thoughts. It suddenly dawned on her that the heavens had arranged for her to travel on a new journey.

On the path of life, it was not impossible to have just one person. He, Xiang Jianping, chose to abandon her and betray her. Why did she have to live in pain?

There were some things that required experience to recognize, and she should have been grateful that she had recognized this man at the time of her marriage.

After thinking it through, she decided to say goodbye to this man once and for all.

The next day, she left the hotel and returned to her home. However, she found out that Xiang Jianping wasn't home.

Surprisingly, this time, she didn't tear her heart out. Instead, she packed her things and left.

After leaving their bridal chamber with their suitcases, they didn't know where to go.

Go home? How was she supposed to deal with her parents' questions? It was as if her entire body and mind had been hollowed out. She didn't even have the strength to speak.

After finding a nearby park, she sat down and called her parents.

"Shi, where have you been these past few days? We're all worried about you, are you and Jianping in an awkward situation again? "He came over to break off the engagement with us yesterday. We were worried that you guys were in an awkward situation again, so we kept off the phone when we called you …"

Wang Liping asked anxiously when she received Hsing Rushi's call.

"Withdraw the engagement?" Hsing Rushi was stunned. She did not expect Xiang Jianping to go and end the engagement himself.

"That's right. If you two have anything to say, just endure it for now." You're going to be married, Shi. Jianping is so good, and he has such a good temper... " Hsing Rushi's mother had been there persuading him, saying that Xiang Jianping was good.

Hsing Rushi brought Xiang Jianping home after finishing high school, and his family was very satisfied with Xiang Jianping. It was better to treat him like a son than her daughter.

But now that Xiang Jianping had personally annulled the engagement, why did everyone think that the problem arose because of her?

She took a deep breath and felt the suffocating sensation come over her again.

"Mom, you don't need to say anymore. Since the marriage contract had been cancelled, there was no need for him to send the invitation. The gift is gone to them, the hotel is gone, we can't get married again. "

"Shi, don't play tricks on me …"

"Mom, he went to bed with another woman, Huang Qianqian."

Hsing Rushi said coldly. The moment she knew that Xiang Jianping had personally annulled the marriage, her heart had become completely cold.

Hsing Rushi's mother was stunned in place, unable to speak for a long time.

After a long time, he heard a slight choked sound from the other side, "Shi, he … You really misjudged him. "Fine, let's break off the engagement and not have any contact with their family!"

"Mom, thank you. "You guys can help me deal with these things during this period of time. I'm alone, I want some peace and quiet."

"Shi, you …" Wang Liping wanted to say something, but Hsing Rushi had already hung up the phone.

Raising his head to look at the sky, he saw that the blue and white sky was dazzling. But she did not stop, her eyes never leaving the sky.

The piercing sunlight shone on her eyes, causing her to tear up uncomfortably.

Xiang Jianping laughed mockingly at himself. From now on, he would bid farewell to her.

Hsing Rushi spent two days to find a place to rent. Fortunately, she didn't spend too much money, so she had some savings of her own.

After settling everything down, she realized that she had forgotten something very important.

It was a picture book, filled with her usual clothes. This picture book was very important to her. When she was very young, a friend had given it to her.

He had kept it well since he was young. No matter where he went, he would bring it with him. But now, it was in their bridal chamber.

She was regretting that she had been careless that day and had forgotten such an important matter.

The wedding room was prepared by Xiang Jianping's family, and the living environments of the two families were pretty good.

His parents were actually business partners as well, but they didn't interact much with each other.

She stared at Xiang Jianping's number in her phone and hesitated for a moment. In the end, she gave up the impulse to call him.

Although that place was now to her a portal to the past, when she entered it, memories would slowly come back, causing her grief to turn into a river.

But the picture book was very important to her. No matter what, she had to get it back.

He thought about it for a while, then went out to stop the car. That day when she was leaving, she didn't leave her keys at home. As the taxi drove on at a leisurely pace, it suddenly started to drizzle outside the window.

He raised his head and looked out the window. The neon lights outside had been obscured by the drizzling rain.

She looked down at the key in her hand. The last time he went out, he didn't leave any keys.

Perhaps it was because of her eight years' relationship with Xiang Jianping, but she was still unwilling to let it go.

Maybe Xiang Jianping thought that she was the one he loved, so he would think of every way he could explain it to her and apologize and promise her.

Therefore, deep within her heart, she still held onto that sliver of hope. Perhaps, she was too confident that Xiang Jianping's love for her was unwavering.

It was only an occasional mistake, which was why it happened.

Now that she thought about it, she was too naive. She hesitated for a moment, then paid the driver to get out of the car.

Fortunately, the rain wasn't heavy, so she ran all the way to Xiang Jianping's house. Looking up, he saw that the lights in the balcony were dim.

No one!

Opening the door, she changed her shoes. It was the same as before she left, but somehow it felt different.

She didn't have much to leave behind, and she had chosen the furniture and other things in the house.

Looking at this familiar room, his nose twitched and he felt extremely uncomfortable. Memories came rushing in like water, like a movie.

She sniffed and went into the room. She opened the drawer and took out the picture book.

"There shouldn't be anything left, right?" She looked around, stifled the pain, and left the room.

Just as he entered the living room, he heard the sound of a key being inserted into a hole outside the door. She panicked and wanted to find a place to hide.

She didn't know how to face the current Xiang Jianping. She was afraid that she would be unable to hold it in. The strength and pride that he had been holding in his heart for the past eight years instantly collapsed.

But he clearly made a mistake, why did he have to hide? If Xiang Jianping opened the door and saw her, would he ask her to stay?

The tension in his heart gradually spread as the door opened. She looked towards the door, completely stunned.